Party Wall Palmers Green
It is not just getting a Party Wall that matters in Palmers Green but the time frame at which you get the Party Wall Notice across to your adjoining Party Wall property owners matters a lot. You should also know that the time frame of the Party Wall Notice depend greatly on the type of property or development you want to set up in Palmers Green. It will take approximately four to five weeks to serve your Party Wall Notice if it is a new building shared external Wall you want to put up and approximately eight weeks to have an internal Party Wall notice.
You will be doing yourself a lot of good if you contact us here at Jordan Brettell to give you all you need and even advise you on what you are supposed to do when it comes to a Party Wall.
We will give you the opportunity to speak to us through our free initial first conversation today so that we can discuss fully on the Party Wall Notice that you will have to give out as you prepare to put a development to your Palmers Green project. We have great Party Wall surveyors that are ready to attend to you.
Herts Office
Phone: 01438 798 870Mobile: 07815 051 255
Email: info@jordanbrettell.comWebsite: