Party Wall Surveyor North Kensington
- The Party Wall etc Act 1996 was implemented in 1997 and requires that any person intending to carry out work close to a party wall or an adjoining property should notify their neighbors with details on the type of work. The law stated that both the property owner and the adjoining owner have notices to be handed out.
Although the basis of the Party Wall etc Act is understood by most property owners, some still fall to follow the set guidelines when working on their property, which is really bad. To follow the Party wall etc Act and avoid any problems with the law, Jordan Brettell Limited will provide you with a surveyor who will see to it that the process goes well.
What a surveyor does for you?
In the case of a dispute, our surveyor will act as the agreed surveyor to bring all party to a compromise in accordance with the Party Wall etc Act
- We will draft all the necessary paperwork and serve it to the owners
- We will collect the response and also check if the building, the project, and wall all fall within the Party Wall etc Act, 1996.
We are available in the Kensington area for a free initial consultation by calling 07815051255.
Herts Office
Phone: 01438 798 870Mobile: 07815 051 255
Email: info@jordanbrettell.comWebsite: